Monday, April 8, 2013

Put Your Faith in God

I was very blessed to be raised in a Christian home. We went to Church every Sunday and Wednesday, my Parents did devotions with us every morning before school, we learned Bible verses, etc.

But I have never read through the whole Bible! Its been a goal of mine. So I've started in the book of Matthew and God has shown me and taught me SO much already that I wanted to share with anyone else who wants to learn!

I'm not going to go in any kind of order...I'm just going to share whats on my heart for that day :)

So Lets Dig In!

We are going to start in Matthew 14:22-36:

These verses tell the story of the Disciples (Jesus' followers and friends), they were out on the water, when suddenly a storm of strong winds and huge waves began. Jesus was on shore and saw them and began walking ON THE WATER towards them.(This is one of the many things that show how AMAZING Jesus is!!).
Here's what happens next: Matthew 14:28-31 says "Then Peter (one of the Disciples) called to him "Lord, if its really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water". "Yes Come" Jesus answered. So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. But when he saw the strong wind and the waves he was terrified and began to sink. "Save Me, Lord" he shouted. Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him "You have so little faith. Jesus said "Why did you doubt me?"

Peter asked Jesus to let him walk on the water too, and Jesus did!...But as soon as Peter got scared, he began to doubt Jesus. And that's when Peter began to sink.

I believe that with God's help we can do anything! Philliapians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength"
But the catch is we have to have FAITH and BELIEVE that with Jesus ALL things are possible!

Also, notice, though that when Peter did began to sink he asked Jesus for help and Jesus reached out his hand and saved him.
Jesus is always there for us!..He's just waiting for us to pray and ask for His help and He will reach out His hand to you as well :)
Isn't it great to know that We have such a loving and caring God!

I , by no means, know everything there is to know about the Bible, But if you have any questions or comments please let me know!

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